Sioux Falls Day School Admissions
Residential Treatment and Education > Admissions > Sioux Falls Day School Admissions
Start the Admissions Process
A tour of the school is the first step in the Sioux Falls Day School placement process. Following the tour, there will be time for questions. You will also be given a pre-placement packet to take with you.
To complete the placement process, you will be asked to supply the following:
- Completed pre-placement packet
- Copy of birth certificate
- Copy of social security card
- Copy of immunization records
- Copy of medical insurance/Title XIX card
- Copy of most recent IEP
- Copy of most recent special education eligibility records
- Copy of any other evaluations comleted
- Records from any previous placements
- Report cards
Learn more about our approach to education
We're Easy to Find!
Sioux Falls Children's Home 801 N Sycamore Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57110 605-965-3117 admissions@chssd.org
Questions? Contact Us!
If you aren't quite ready to start the admissions process because you still have questions, please contact us. We will provide you with as much information as possible.