Rt Admissions

Residential Treatment and Education Admissions

Help starts here.

A child can be referred to Black Hills Children's Home or Sioux Falls Children's Home by parents, guardians, school counselors, psychologists, or state or tribal agencies. An Admissions Packet must be completed, which includes applying for residential and school funding. We are an approved Medicaid provider of residential services for children. 


Select the appropriate service and location to proceed

Rte Bhchflagship
Black Hills Children's Home

Located near Rapid City, SD

Rte Sfchcampus
Sioux Falls Children's Home

Located in Sioux Falls, SD

Rte Bhch School
Black Hills Day School

Located near Rapid City, SD

Rte School Bldg
Sioux Falls Day School

Located in Sioux Falls, SD

It is normal to have a lot of questions.
We can help.