What if...? Card Sets
Prevention and Education > What If Cards
Help keep kids safe.
We strive to provide you with relevant and effective products and information that you can use to help keep the children in your life safe from harm.
About What if...? Card Sets
What if...? Card sets are an interactive teaching tool for adults to evaluate a child's understanding of real-life situations and help them learn how to respond.
Topics include:
- Sexual abuse
- Physical abuse
- Bullying
- Morals
- Stranger danger
- Peer pressure
- Drugs & alcohol
- Internet safety
- Home safety
- Promises and secrets
- Every day issues
Questions are intended as conversation starters that often lead to a much deeper and meaningful dialogue. What if...? Card sets incorporate key elements of effective safety and prevention programs such as repetition, the need for role-play, and a visual for younger children to see and hold.
Four versions of What if...? Card sets have been developed to reflect the developmental level and common experiences of a specific age group. What if...? Card sets are available for ages 3-5, 6-10, 11-13, and 14+.
Learn more about each age-specific version
Awareness and Education are the first steps to preventing abuse.
Together we can.