Prevention Training Events Feature

Training Events

Prevention and Education > Training Events

Abuse prevention starts with each of us.

We are intentional and proactive in our effort to stop the cycle of child abuse and domestic violence through education, consultation, advocacy, and awareness. Statewide training and prevention events are provided for professionals as well as the general public.

Our events focus on decreasing incidents of abuse, responding effectively when abuse does occur, and reducing the chance for future occurrences. Topics include recognizing and responding to child abuse and domestic violence, how to handle child abuse disclosures, trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) education, and healthy relationships and dating violence for teens.

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If you are a partner or professional looking for training opportunities specific to working with a Child Advocacy Center, pursuing perpetrator prosecution, and/or Multi-Disciplinary Team best practices, please refer to our Partner Training Menu.

Upcoming Events

  • Mar 27 Multi-Disciplinary Response to Victim Services Training 631 Watiki Way Rapid City, SD 57719
  • There are no scheduled events for this calendar, click below to see a full list of events.

    There are no scheduled events for this calendar, click below to see a full list of events.

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