Did you know?
1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience some form of sexual abuse by age 18.*

Get Help
Disclosing abuse takes bravery. If a child has trusted you with a disclosure of abuse, it is imperative that you act on the child's behalf. Together, we can help begin the healing.

Be Informed
Statistics prove that 90% of alleged offenders are a person the child or family knows and often trusts, but only 1 in 10 children will ever disclose this violation of their innocence.

Get Involved
When it comes to abuse, prevention isn't only possible, it is pivotal to the health and safety of our community. Learn what you can do to help stop the cycle of abuse.
In 2018, Children's Home Child Advocacy Center provided forensic interviews and advocacy for 350 children and their families. Help us help others.
We're Easy to Find!
Children's Home Child Advocacy Center 1330 Jolly Lane, Rapid City, SD 57703 (605) 716-1628 ch.cac@chssd.org