No Matter What

Posted on May 04, 2020


Since its beginning in 1893, Children’s Home Society (CHS) has had a storied history. There has been much to celebrate over 127 years, but perhaps nothing more important than overcoming many chapters of hardship. CHS has weathered childhood diseases (now eradicated), perilously low bank balances, no child protection laws, and so much more.

So many times, the easy thing to do would have been to just close the doors. But steadfast dedication to the mission—seemingly God- given—prevented that from happening. Not unlike the children and families we serve, CHS has “resiliency” written in its DNA.

Today, we have another threat knocking at our door. Whether you “have it” or not, the coronavirus has infiltrated all of our lives. And life at CHS is no exception.

At CHS, measures have been taken to mitigate the spread of the virus. No off-campus activities or home visits for kids. No visitors or volunteers. There is extensive cleaning and sanitizing. The ritual of frequent hand washing is becoming a religion. And we have plenty of toilet paper!

Don’t you wish you had a dollar for every time you have heard the words social-distancing, hand sanitizer, test kits, mask shortage, wash your hands, and stay home?!

At the time of this writing, the children in our residential treatment programs are safe and healthy. They continue to learn and are going to our schools. Our Day Students continue their education from home with remote support from our teachers and therapists. Our foster care and adoption programs continue to operate with many staff working from home. Our Child Advocacy Center continues to provide forensic interviews and support. At Children’s Inn, we continue to provide emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence and child abuse.

Through good times or bad, plenty or want, hardship or sighs of relief—we have a history of staying true to our mission, thanks to dedicated staff, and the support of great friends.

Thank you so much for being one of those friends. You understand that our doors can never close. The safety, the healing, and the very hope of too many lives depend on that. Your support keeps us “up and running” every day.

For all those we serve and those yet to come, we must stay true to our mission. No matter what.

In an effort to help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, many of us are working from home or are simply staying home. Are you tired of binge watching TV and reading the news? Have you cleaned out every closet in the house? And taught your dog every new trick you can think of?

If so, we invite you to take a little time to learn more about Children’s Home Society!

Find us on Facebook: @chssd, @childrensinnsd, and @chcacrc

Follow us on Twitter: @chssdorg
... LinkedIn: @children's-home-society-of-south-dakota
... Instagram: @chssdorg

Watch our Videos: Video Archives

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Watch our 125th History Video: Who Could Have Imagined

We know there are many needs during this unprecedented time. We are all trying to care for our own families and helping whoever, whenever, and wherever we can.

If possible, please remember us in your thoughts and prayers, and in your giving. Children’s Home Society is still open, 24/7. We continue to serve the children, women, and families who need us.

You can give online through our website or simply mail a gift to one of the addresses listed at the bottom of that same donation page. Thank you so much for your consideration.

We look forward to seeing you when we’re all on the other side of this. Stay safe!