CHS Response to COVID-19
Posted on October 15, 2020
Children’s Home Society of South Dakota is committed to helping mitigate the risk of the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our children, families, and employees as healthy as possible. CHS has implemented our Pandemic Preparedness Plan and is following that plan along with guidance from our Medical Directors and various partners, including the State of SD and the CDC.
These policies are in place until October 26. However, we will continue to reassess the situation as additional recommendations are made that will help mitigate the spread of the virus.
- Children placed at Children’s Home Society will not be allowed to leave Children’s Home Society, with the exception of essential medical appointments and critical visits.
- Until further notice, family members or other guests may not visit; however, communication via phone calls is highly encouraged.
- There will be no family therapy; no Big Buddy, School Buddy, or Surrogate Parent visits; no attorney or CASA visits; and no social worker visits from DSS.
- There will be no off-campus activities for children.
- Sunday School is suspended, as are all volunteer activities.
- All Master Treatment Plan Reviews will be held via conference call.
- Loving School (Sioux Falls) and Owen School (Black Hills) are fully operational. Day School Program students at Loving School have returned to their designated classrooms and currently follow staff protocols in regard to mask wearing, temperature taking, and handwashing upon their arrival to campus.
- All guests will be screened for COVID-19 exposure, but no one will be denied services. If necessary, alternative options or services may be offered.
- Women’s Support Group will be transitioning from virtual to in person on Monday evenings starting March 1, 2021. Call Children's Home Shelter for Family Safety at 338-0116 for more information.
- In-kind donations are accepted by appointment. Call Children's Home Shelter for Family Safety at 338-0116 to schedule an appointment for your donation drop off.
- Services provided to children and families in the following programs are being completed virtually, or in person on a case by case basis: Therapeutic Foster Care, Wendy’s Wonderful Kids and Post Adoption.
- Child Advocacy Center will continue to see children and families but has screening questions in place prior to entry. (Have you been exposed to anyone who has been exposed to the COVID-19? Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms - fever, cough, or shortness of breath?)
- Bright Start employees are providing nurse home visitation services virtually or in person on a case-by-case basis. Contact Bright Start at 274-0233 for more information.