CHS Executive Director Announces Plan to Retire
Posted on May 01, 2019
Following a decade of leading South Dakota’s oldest nonprofit human services organization, Bill Colson, Executive Director of Children’s Home Society (CHS), has announced his plan to retire at the end of 2019.
Colson, who made his intentions to retire known to the CHS Board of Directors in 2016, first joined Children’s Home in 1993. He served both the Society and Foundation as a board member before joining the staff as a Development Officer for Children’s Home Foundation from 1999 to 2003. In 2003, he moved to the Children’s Home Society as its Chief Operating Officer until assuming the role of Executive Director in 2009.
During his tenure, Colson helped to expand the CHS foster care and adoption programs statewide, and launched a Prevention Initiative to develop programs focused on the prevention of child abuse and domestic violence.
“It has been the highlight of my professional life to have served as a member of this incredible team at Children’s Home Society. The passion and dedication of our staff, board members, volunteers and donors is unparalleled,” said Colson. “The mission of dedicated service to those who need our help is cemented into each and every one of us. I am honored beyond expression.”
The search for a new CHS Executive Director will be led by Sagency, a Midwest-based leadership and executive search firm, along with a Search Committee made up of CHS board members.
Colson will remain in his role during the search, and for a time after his successor is hired to assure a smooth transition. CHS Board President Meg Warder stated, “On behalf of the CHS Board of Directors, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the years of strong and consistent leadership that Bill Colson has provided to this great agency. We are fortunate for Bill’s presence through this time of change, and for the entire team of staff and board members who will help continue the exceptional legacy of CHS.”
Any persons interested in this position can review the job profile at http://bit.ly/2PFzrzB.
Established in 1893, Children’s Home Society is South Dakota’s oldest human services nonprofit organization. The CHS mission is to empower children, adults, families, and communities to be resilient, safe, healthy, and strong.
CHS provides emergency shelter, residential treatment and special education, forensic interviews, foster care and adoption services, and prevention programs. In addition to serving victims of child abuse and domestic violence, CHS also partners with caring parents to help children with emotional or behavioral needs.