Children’s Day at the Capitol 2023
Posted on January 30, 2023
On January 11, CHS leaders converged in Pierre at Children’s Day at the Capitol.
Over two dozen organizations participated in the event, representing a variety of children and family services: child maltreatment prevention and response, childcare, early childhood education, after school services, youth residential care, leadership development and more.
“This day is about acknowledging all the ways we help empower children and families in our state,” said CEO Michelle Lavallee.
CHS and other attendees used this opportunity to inform the public, lawmakers, government staff and other advocates about our work to promote the well-being of South Dakota’s children and families.
The Children’s Day event included information booths in the Capitol Rotunda, attendance at committee meetings and a free lunch, open to the public and lawmakers, with a short program. Michelle welcomed attendees and Education and Public Awareness Specialist Cassie Nagel presented “Creating Community Capacity.” Following the program, participants attended the State of the Judiciary Address and the House and Senate sessions.
“One of the many things South Dakotans do well, is coming together as a community to support those in need,” said Cassie. “We’ve seen that most recently with our winter weather, but it also happens quietly with families supporting families, and lifting our community’s children up. This day is about acknowledging all the ways we do and can continue to empower children and families in our state.”
CHS representatives included Jessica Broullire, Joe Herdina, Karl Jegeris, Lisa Johnson, Michelle Lavallee, Freddy Maseman, Cassie Nagel, Chelsie Ogaard and Tifanie Petro.
Sponsors of Children’s Day were Call to Freedom, Child’s Voice, Lutheran Social Services of SD, Sioux Falls Childcare Collaborative, SD Public Broadcasting, SD Education Equity Coalition, Delta Dental of SD, USD’s School of Health Sciences, SD Head Start Association, SD Association for the Education of Young Children, Abbott House, Department of Social Services’ Division of Behavioral Health, Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons, Sacred Heart Center, Department of Social Services’ Division of Child Protection Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch, Our Home, Inc., WellFully, South Dakota Association of Youth Care Providers, and Children’s Advocacy Centers of SD.