Cbs Contact Us

Foster Care and Adoption Contact Us

It's Your Call...

...and we are here to support and guide your decision to become a foster or adoptive parent. 

The process includes training, home study, and licensing. There is no cost to you for the licensing process or the services we provide. 

Making a call, or even starting the process does not commit you to becoming a foster or adoptive parent. This is a time to learn and explore your options to see what is right for you and your family. 


For more information about our Therapeutic Foster Care and Adoption program, 
please contact us:

Community Based Services:

Nichole D. Knepp, MSEd, NCC, SW, LPC Supervisee

Community Based Services Assistant Director


Questions? Contact us today!

We appreciate your interest in learning more about Therapeutic Foster Care and Adoption in South Dakota. 

Please complete and submit the form below for more information.